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Villi Bharatham In 14 Ebook Full Version Torrent (epub) Zip

Intro: A comprehensive and authoritative textbook of the principles and practices of Pediatrics, with an emphasis on the Indian perspective. This textbook is a comprehensive and authoritative text of principles and practices of pediatrics with an emphasis on the Indian perspective. It has been written by eminent authors to be a practical guide for M.D.(Pediatrics) students, pediatricians in rural areas, nurses involved in clinical practice with children, general practitioners dealing with medical emergencies in infants and young children, mothers from all walks of life who are interacting with their children in various ways for many years or care providers who are looking after young infants. Format: This book consists of 8 chapters, comprising 448 pages. Chapter I “Introduction” provides an overview of the principles and concepts underlying pediatrics. It also traces the historical origins and evolution of pediatric healthcare in India. Chapter II “History of Pediatric Medicine in India” considers the evolution and growth of pediatric healthcare in India from ancient times to date. Chapter III “Physiology and Pathophysiology” has been divided into 3 parts: (1) Development: Developmental processes: (2) Growth: Growth processes: (3) Aging: Health and disease during infancy, childhood and adolescence. Chapter IV “Sociology and Psychology” provides an overview of the sociological and psychological aspects of pediatric care. Chapter V “Pediatrics in the Community” is a comprehensive and global view of the community-based pediatrics. Chapter VI “Medical Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment” has been broken down into 3 parts: (1) Genetics:  Genetic Information:  Diagnosis:  Genetic Counseling. (2) Clinical Management:  Screening Programs for Childhood Cancer. Diabetes Prevention Programs. Vaccination Programs for Immunization against various diseases including topical immunization against topical infections, infectious fungi, etc. (3) Medical Treatment: Therapeutic Procedures: Blood and Blood Components: Blood Transfusion: Antimicrobial Drugs. Antibiotic Prophylaxis.  Nutritional Complementary Feeding for Infants and Young Children. Nutritional Requirements for Normal Growth and Development. Clinical Management of Neonatal Abnormalities. Clinical Management of Childhood Infections .  Management of Childhood Diseases .  Organ System Disorders in Children. Chapter VII “Clinical Specialties” deals with medical practice specialties including mental health, child abuse, legal issues, etc.. Chapter VIII “Medical Ethics” provides a brief discussion on medical ethics. Objectives: To acquaint the students with the growth and development of pediatrics in India. To provide insights into the history of pediatric medicine in India and to illustrate the evolution and growth of India's pediatric healthcare system. To help them understand that physiology and pathophysiology are inseparable and that abnormalities in one leads to changes in other and eventually leads to disease and disability. To equip them with knowledge on how growth occurs, how it is maintained, how it is altered during the process of aging as well as what factors influence these processes during those life-stages. cfa1e77820

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